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- How We Know When People Watch Porn
- Other Factors For Viewing Porn
- Where Porn Is Watched
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When do people watch porn? At night? In the middle of the day? Well, yes, both are true.
But according to one study, there appear to be certain times of the year when people watch porn more than others. Surprisingly or not, the times of the year for watching more porn also matched the seasons.
When are the peak seasons for people to watch porn? Winter and late summer.
How We Know When People Watch Porn
Here's more about what the study found:
Researchers at Villanova examined the Google trends for such commonly-searched-for terms as "porn," "xxx," "xxvideos" ... and other, more descriptive phrases . . . Once they'd gathered those terms, the authors examined them in Google Trends. And what they found was a defined cycle featuring clear peaks and valleys -- recurring at discernible six-month intervals. The cycle maps surprisingly well to the world's calendar seasons.
Other internet searches don't follow the same patterns. The researchers also ran a control group consisting of Google searches for non-sexual terms. And those terms demonstrated no such cyclical pattern.
So there's something about sex itself, it seems. Porn is periodical. Which is born out by another (semi-)control in the Villanova experiment. Researchers determined search terms associated with a relatively purpose-driven category of sexytime -- prostitution and dating websites -- and found that, for those terms ... the six-month cycle showed up again (On The Internet, Porn Has Seasons, Too).
Are there other answers to the question, when do people watch porn, besides the times of the year? Yep.
There is another way to consider this question as well. When during the day do people watch porn? As you will see below, those times can vary a lot due to one of the primary reasons people watch porn in the first place – opportunity.
At Guy Stuff we've learned through our years of treating porn addictions there are several common factors that affect porn viewing.
Other Factors For Viewing Porn
The most common factor that comes to mind for most people is that people watch porn when they’re not having sex.
It’s commonly, but mistakenly, believed that how much sex a person is having contributes to porn viewing. Men often blame not having sex for why they watch internet porn. In actuality, having sex or not having sex is not a significant contributor to when people watch porn.
Does not having sex influence watching porn?strong> Sure, but it’s not a cause of it.
Opportunity to watch porn is actually a key factor for when people will watch porn. But opportunity takes a couple of different forms.
First, having the access to porn, which most commonly today is accessed through the Internet and on devices like smartphones, tablets and laptop computers.
Second, having time to watch, which supports the seasons of the year findings. Since in winter and late summer people are spending more time indoors.
Since porn is almost always watched individually, being alone is another contributor to when porn is watched. If there isn't alone time, I’ve found that men will often create it by doing things like staying up late alone or isolating themselves in a separate room of the house.
Where Porn Is Watched
Because porn is so portable these days – we all carry access to the internet with is all day long – finding an opportunity to watch porn is easier than ever. In bathrooms, cars, sitting in the garage, even at work behind closed doors still happens despite the significant risks.
So, if you have the right device, internet access, and have somewhere you can isolate yourself, you can watch porn. And for many the ease makes the temptations too hard to resist. And this is true regardless of whether they’re having regular sex or not.
Boredom is also a common reason men give for watching porn. Although boredom is a contributor, it is not a core drive for when people watch porn. What is a core driver for watching porn is mood. When people are unhappy, depressed, and most frequently stressed, they watch porn to cope with how they feel.
Porn for many is a release. The sexual excitement and endorphins released have the same effect as a drug. And most of us know having an orgasm can be euphoric. So, for the men (and women too) who watch porn, it’s considered a harmless way to release tension and stress.
Sadly, however, porn is far from harmless. Whether it’s winter, spring, mid-day or night, porn can become a big problem in a person’s life and relationships. Regular porn viewing can render a person unable to achieve sexual satisfaction and intimacy with a real person they love. In fact, another negative effect is that porn use has been linked to erectile dysfunction in men.
Who would have thought that there are cycles, particularly certain times of the year, when people watch porn? But it's not surprising when you really understand all the real reasons people watch porn.
What do you think? When do people watch porn in your opinion? If you know someone who watches porn, what have you discovered about when they watch? Please share your insights with other readers below.
Editor's Note: This post was originally published January 26, 2013 and has been updated with new information for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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