Appointments With Dr. Kurt

Demand is High. Availability is Limited.

Unfortunately, Dr. Kurt doesn't have enough appointments to meet with everyone who wants to talk with him. We ask that you be flexible in the meeting format you select below and strongly recommend utilizing our On Demand Counseling Program to get access to his advice and tools quicker.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and choose a meeting Format (Video, Phone, or In-Person) and Length (45 or 90 minutes). Explanation of fees.
  2. Check Dr. Kurt’s live calendar below for OpeningsIf you don't see any Openings that work, please go back and choose a different Format or Length to find other meeting possibilities.
    • There are more Video and Phone meeting availability than In-Person.
    • If you'd like in-person for 45 minutes – this format and length is very hard to get, so we prioritize those openings first for patients who've already gotten started. Please choose whichever format is available and then we'll give you first choice to switch to the next in-person opening.
    • Often his schedule is full and you’ll have to wait for an opening. If you don't find an opening be sure to click this link to Get On Our Waiting List.
  3. Tell us a little about yourself.
  4. Confirm and pay to reserve your time.
  5. The next business day we’ll send you a confirmation email with instructions on how to prepare for your meeting.


DON'T SEE AN OPEN TIME? Try choosing a different meeting Format or Length and see if any openings show. If not, Dr. Kurt's schedule is full at the moment. However, the calendar is only current for the next 2 weeks and can change weekly, so we should have something open soon. Click here to GET ON OUR WAITING LIST and we’ll make sure you’re the first to know.