Yes, Guy Stuff Counseling offers phone counseling. You don't have to be able to come to our office to get Guy Stuff's counseling. In addition to phone counseling, we also do online counseling using Skype and Google Talk.
We understand that some men just can't get away from work during the day to go to counseling. But we don’t want that to stop you from getting the counseling help you need. So we have a number of guys who use phone counseling to work with us without ever leaving their work place. They just close their office door, step outside, or go to their car and have their counseling meeting. Guys have used phone counseling to meet with us while on vacation, traveling on the other side of the country, or while stuck in traffic. No matter where you live or work or what your schedule is like, the services at Guy Stuff are available to you over the phone.
Phone counseling may seem a bit impersonal, but a lot of guys actually really like it. It's convenient, easy, and just as effective as in person meetings. If attending traditional face-to-face counseling is a challenge for you, be open to giving phone counseling a chance.
You can access our online appointment scheduler to see what days and times are available for your phone counseling appointment. If you are unable to find an open time that meets your needs, please submit a request to us with your preferred counseling day and time and we will add you to our waiting list.