You can go to men's counseling alone, or go to counseling together with your wife, partner, fiancée or girlfriend. Whatever is most comfortable for you. At Guy Stuff Counseling we work with men and women in individual counseling, or together as a couple, and sometimes even as a family with their older children.
It's not that important whether you go to men's counseling alone, or together with your wife, partner, fiancée or girlfriend. What's most important is that you go.
It's possible that you've been told to go by yourself, or that your wife or girlfriend will only go after you go first. If this is the case, don't worry about it. We deal with this all the time. A lot of women want their man to show he's serious about changing things and they want to see him prove this by his going to counseling.
Don't get caught up in whether you go to men's counseling alone, or together with your wife, partner, fiancée or girlfriend. We'll still deal with all the issues regardless of who comes. We can do couples counseling with only one person present all the time. We can also do couples counseling simultaneously with individual counseling. Some couples alternate between joint meetings and individual meetings. This gives them the opportunity to work on personal issues as well as relationship challenges.
Find out more about how men's counseling works. You might also want to check out our Counseling Men Blog for additional resources on common issues that bring people to counseling.