Below are some quotes from guys who were either having or had affairs, a guy who's partner cheated on him (he's far from the only one), and a woman who discovered she's being cheated on. Each one has been a Guy Stuff Counseling client and turned this relationship destroyer into something that made their relationship better and stronger. And if you're in a similar situation, with Guy Stuff's help, you can too.

  • I need to get unstuck. I fear destroying my life with the affair. It seems like a no brainer, but doesn't feel that way."
    — Terry H., 54
  • At what point do you do what you should do for yourself and not what others think you should do? When I told my father he told me he had an affair 30 years ago and I need to suck it up and put on a happy face. I thought, maybe I'm not you."
    — Jason E., 41
  • My wife is scared and pissed all at the same time."
    — Randy L., 36
  • I never thought in a million years this would happen to me. Aren't guys the ones who cheat? I don't know if I can ever trust her again."
    — Alan C., 48
  • I didn't realize that texting other women would be considered cheating by my wife. I'm really glad Kurt has been teaching me how to set boundaries with other women and do a better job of respecting my wife."
    — Bryan V., 39
  • I don't know why I won't act on what I know I should do. All the thoughts are like ping pong balls ricocheting in my head. I woke up today kinda sad, depressed, lonely."
    — Chris H., 45
  • I'm so scared and don't know what to do. What I found on his phone makes me wonder if I even know who he is anymore."
    — Letty M., 28


Please Note: In keeping with the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists' ethical standards, none of these testimonials were solicited, but rather were comments freely made during our work together. They are real comments made by real clients, as are the descriptions of their treatment. However, the names, ages, and cities have been changed to protect each client's confidentiality. These testimonials represent individual experiences, your experience will be your own and these testimonials are not intended to guarantee or imply a certain treatment outcome.