If you have thought of seeing a counselor, but wonder what the benefits of men’s counseling are, look no further. Since Guy Stuff Counseling has been counseling men for so long, we see firsthand what they walk out with. We understand the results that you are looking for, and we know how to get you there.
No matter what issues you are dealing with – addiction, anger, infidelity, relationship challenges – we can help you find the solutions you need. We have worked with hundreds of men over the past decade, and we are ready to start working with you.
Here are the benefits of men's counseling for the men who come to Guy Stuff for counseling:
- Solutions to their problem (like how to stop the fights with your wife)
- Answers to questions men frequently wrestle with (from someone who has had men's problems too)
- Tools that work for men
- A good coach with a direct, active, collaborative approach (not a bobble-head who makes you do all the talking)
- A partner in your struggle and a trusted confidant to use as a resource (there are just some things you do not want to share with your family, friend, or even pastor)
- Results in as little time as possible (because we know that you want to move on with your life)
You can’t start enjoying these benefits until you make your first appointment. If you are located in Northern California, we can meet with you in person. Even if you are located in other parts of the country or world, we can facilitate appointments by phone or via video conferencing. Do not let geography be an obstacle to getting the help you need.
If this sounds like the kind of stuff you need, then you are ready to reap the benefits of men’s counseling. Check out how to start men's counseling and see how easy it is at Guy Stuff. You deserve to enjoy the benefits of men’s counseling. Take the first step today by taking our Partner Rater Quiz and discover how you can become a better partner. You can also read our Counseling Men Blog for articles on many men's issues.