Here are some quotes from guys who've struggled with abusing alcohol and their partners. Each person has worked with Guy Stuff Counseling to stop the problem drinking and learn healthier ways to cope with life. Can you relate to any of these people?

  • I would have a pit in my stomach and didn't know what to do about it. It's a little anxiety and needs relief. So I would start drinking in the afternoon to get rid of it."
    — Rich W., 67
  • His drinking has been a problem most of our marriage. He overindulged to the point of his personality changing; it happened so often I would avoid, steer clear of him. There's still a big distance between the two of us."
    — Gail T., 51
  • I guess I drink because of stress, but I don't feel like I have any more stress than anybody else. I don't even think my drinking is really a problem - except to my girlfriend."
    — Paul H., 26
  • I'm scared." (wife of alcoholic)
    — Lisa N., 44
  • I want to repair what I've done to my family."
    — Glenn H., 42
  • I used alcohol for my panic attacks, to manage stressors."
    — Bill N., 29
  • I want to feel better. My wife says she likes me not drinking, not so many highs, so many lows, I don't lose temper, I'm more patient."
    — Bryan M., 45
  • I know I'm getting something out of it (counseling), Pat is getting something, even my daughter is getting something out of it. We don't like coming, but it is really helping, and it gives us some place to go together."
    — Jack P., 56
  • I feel good that I'm not drinking - I was using it as a crutch."
    — Daniel W., 39


Please Note: In keeping with the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists' ethical standards, none of these testimonials were solicited, but rather were comments freely made during our work together. They are real comments made by real clients, as are the descriptions of their treatment. However, the names, ages, and cities have been changed to protect each client's confidentiality. These testimonials represent individual experiences, your experience will be your own and these testimonials are not intended to guarantee or imply a certain treatment outcome.