Looking for anger management classes in Sacramento? Good luck. There's not a lot to choose from.
Want to find the find the anger management class in Sacramento that gets the best results? That's an even tougher problem.
"A lot of anger management is ineffective," says Dr. W. Doyle Gentry. He's the anger management expert the movie Anger Management was based on. His extensive research shows that "anger management made easy" programs "don't work."
Unfortunately, almost all anger management classes in Sacramento are "anger management made easy" programs. All these programs do is have you sit in a room with a group of other men and women, and listen to a lecture about how to count to 10 or take a time out. There are some programs available online, but they teach the same simple ideas.
Basic approaches like 'just walk away' doesn't work for 88% of men with anger management problems because most of us simply can't walk away, says Dr. Gentry.
If you want to stop your anger for good, then you need more than some simple ideas, you need to solve the cause of your anger.
To find the best anger management classes in Sacramento, ask these two questions:
- Are they going to just teach me some basic techniques to manage anger? (Generic for anybody)
- Or are they going to help me understand me and what causes my anger? (Personalized for you)
I've personally trained with Dr. Gentry, the nation's foremost anger management expert. We've used his research proven anger management techniques to design our anger management classes for men. You won't get a canned, out of the box anger class from us. Our program will be personalized to your specific needs, done one-on-one rather than in a group (so your life is kept private), and includes resolving the factors that cause your anger.
If you want to be done with your anger once and for all, pick the best anger management classes in Sacramento - Guy Stuff Counseling.
Looking for More? Check Out These Articles
- Classes For Anger Management In Sacramento, Roseville, Or Folsom
- Easy Things To Do For Management Of Anger
- Looking For A Midlife Crisis Forum? Here's A Good One
- Get More Help with Anger Management
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