Part 1 of 4
Ever wonder if the ways your husband drives you crazy are normal? Or if you're a husband, the things you can't stand about your wife.
So what are the most common complaints wives have about husbands, and husbands have about wives? To answer that question, here's some research results from the article You're Driving Me Crazy! published in Psychology Today.
When asked to rate their top relationship irritants, men and women give strikingly different answers, reports University of Louisville psychologist Michael Cunningham. Here's what grates on us most.
Men's complaints about women:
- the silent treatment as communication
- bringing up things he's done in the distant past
- being too hot or too cold
- being critical
- being stubborn and refusing to give in

Women's complaints about men:
- forgetting important dates, like birthdays or anniversaries
- not working hard at his job
- noisily burping or passing gas
- looking or staring at other women
- being stubborn and refusing to give in
Which one of these complaints do you have? Share a comment below.
This is the first article of four examining complaints and differences in marriage relationships. In the next article we'll start looking at 10 beliefs and problems that come from the differences between us and our partners. Sign-up for our blog at the bottom of this page and be sure not to miss any parts of this series.
Looking for More? Check Out These Articles
- Things Wives Complain About Their Husbands (Part 2)
- Things Husbands Complain About Their Wives (Part 3)
- More Complaints About Husbands And Wives (Part 4)
- Get More Help with Marriage Problems
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