Here's a very informative porn addiction infographic. Current statistics on porn addiction are hard to find and often several years old. As you read this porn addiction infographic keep in mind that the current numbers on porn are most likely even higher. Be sure to check out this second graphic porn addiction statistics too.
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It is amazing just how fast the porn industry is growing in the United States with 89% of all porn-related websites being created here. As the infographic points out, porn is a $13 billion dollar industry which represents revenues greater than Apple, Amazon, Earthlink, eBay, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, and Yahoo combined!
The most popular Internet search topic is sex, which generates over 68 million pornographic search engine requests each day. And it doesn’t stop there! The average Internet user is getting more than four emails each day that are pornographic in nature.
With over 200,000 struggling with porn addiction (defined as spending 11 hours or more each week looking at online porn), it’s no wonder their sex lives are suffering. More than half of all online porn users report that they have lost interest in sex.
Men are six times more likely than women to look at porn, and we are doing it at work 70% of the time. This would explain why one-third of porn addicts have lost their jobs due to their addiction.
When the average age of a person who is first looking at pornography is just 11, we have an epidemic on our hands. Kids are starting very early down a path that leads to infidelity, divorce, financial loss, job loss, and depression.
If you are struggling with porn addiction, you can do something about it now before it costs you further. Give Guy Stuff a call. We can help.